The Vision

Rinpoche plans to transform the Sangchen Ogyen Tsuklag Monastery into a thriving global center of learning and practicing Dharma. Rinpoche intends to develop the monastery into a supportive and compassionate environment where both monks and lay people from all walks of life will be able to study and practice buddha Dharma. Once established, the Academy will help propagate the Buddha Dharma in general and serve as a thriving institute for the study and practice of the Glorious Longchen Nyingthig Lineage.

The Plan

Expand the monastery within the 4.4 acre land to construct a unique Buddhist University which can accommodate about 1500 people. With these visions & challenges and with the help of an energetic team who believe in the same cause, Rinpoche has since been on an endeavor to gather people and resources to construct the Academy that is hoped to be completed by 2022.

What it is

With the belief that Buddhism is a way of life and that Buddhism can help one to live a life that’s more fulfilling since it teaches values such as compassion, generosity, discipline and mindfulness to name a few, the idea of a Buddhist Academy was born. The Academy will be open to practitioners of all levels, irrespective of social or cultural backgrounds. Monla Khedrupchen Rinpoche envisions to build an Academy that will be home to Buddhist Practitioners, lay practitioners, old people and anyone who wants to learn the values of Buddhism.

Current Scenario

The Academy was formally inaugurated on 27th April 2021 with 9 students, 4 teachers and a Khenpo. The students have begun their education with classes, research and debates on sutras and tantras of Buddhism and particularly the Seven Treasure Teachings of Longchen Rabjampa and the teachings of Jigme Lingpa. With this, the plan to develop a robust Academy with a unique syllabus which will be open to any aspiring Practitioner interested in Buddhist values has already been put into motion


The construction project to expand the Monastery into a Buddhist Academy started in 2015 under the guidance of Khedrupchen Rinpoche. Currently the monastery hosts about 40 monks, 4 teachers and a Khenpo. With increasing number of monks every year, the monastery faces shortage of housing and educational facilities. To address this shortage of infrastructure and other pertinent issues which will only escalate with time, a masterplan is designed which will include the construction of basic infrastructures over a course of five years and is expected to be complete by 2026.